Slack For Business

Slack has been made to run on a Super Nintendo Entertainment System via Satellaview. Slack is a freemium product, whose main paid features are the ability to search more than 10,000 archived messages and add unlimited apps and integrations. They claim support for an unlimited number of users. Slack Use #3: Product Sales Channel. Integration: Zapier Zapier is a utility for connecting nearly any app with any other app. Below we will highlight one way we use Zapier, but keep in mind that there are literally thousands of connections you can make to show you whatever information is important to you, depending on the apps you use for your business.

  1. Free Slack Account
  2. Slack For Business App

Slack is a digital workspace for professional teams to easily collaborate with each other and give a boost to their productivity. From a business productivity tool, Slack is now also being used as a communication tool helping groups of like-minded people from different domains to connect with each other and share their experiences. If you are a startup enthusiast and want to grow your business, then Slack is the right tool that you should put to use. Even if you are just getting started, you can use it to review your idea, gather early feedbacks, and most importantly learn new growth hacks from other entrepreneurs.

There are many Slack communities with thousands of founder, VCs, designers, developers, and other professionals which you can join to discuss your startup idea and even raise funds at the same time. However, finding some of the top Slack communities to connect with other fellow entrepreneurs can be quite tough. So to ease up your task, we did some research and curated a list of top 20 Slack communities for entrepreneurs which are worth joining.

Let’s begin –

1.#Launch – Join this 11 years old Slack community to connect with like-minded people (4000+) from different backgrounds – entrepreneurs, designers, developers, etc. It is the best place to collaborate and discuss your products, find leads and opportunities, and even cofounder for your startup.

2. amateurpreneur – A Slack community for entrepreneurs where they can discuss ideas, share products to get honest feedback and help to grow their business. The Slack entrepreneur community has more than 1000 members.

3. #smallbiz – Join this Slack community for small business chats and connect with other small-scale business owners.

4. #FemaleFounders – The first women-only Slack community of hundreds of female founders around the globe.

Slack For Business

5. #TechLondon – A Slack group (more than 5000) of startup enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, investors, freelancers, and internet marketers in London tech city. It charges £1 as an entry fee to prevent spam.

6. Sideproject – Sideproject is a Slack community of people seeking collaborators for their side projects. Canopus usb devices driver download for windows. Share your side projects in this Slack group to find the right people to work with and make your project come alive.

7. #startup – One of the biggest global startup community with over 6900 members on Slack. Join it to make connections with cofounders and entrepreneurs near your region or around the globe which can help you in expanding your business.

8. Founded X – This Slack community (more than 1000 members) can help you to expand your business to other countries as it includes founders from different countries with whom you can connect and ask for assistance.

9. VC Club – Do you want to raise funds for your new startup? If yes, then join VC Club Slack community of VCs, fundraisers, angels, and founders.

10. #TechMasters – In this Slack community of around 4746 members, you can find technologists and founders. If you are a tech startup guy then you can also seek out help to solve your coding problems. Apart from that, you can discuss your startup idea and get feedback.

11. #CreativeTribes – Find and connect with professionals of different niches. Interact with other entrepreneurs, designers, developers, marketing guys, writers, etc. and gain knowledge on various aspects of your business. The Slack community has over 1000 members.

12. hwstartup – Do you have any hardware based startup idea? Join this Slack group of over 800 members to conversate about your idea and get it validated. You can also learn about different processes involved in designing to launching a hardware product.

13. Focus Asia – Connect with tech startup founders from Asian countries in this Slack community of over 500 members.

14. Tech404 – Tech404 is a Slack community (3300+ members) of Atlanta-based techies, developers, designers, founders, entrepreneurs, marketers, hobbyists, and other professionals.

15. Nomadlist – This is one of the largest Slack community (33,000+ members) of remote workers, travelers, and digital nomads across the globe.

16. Startup Study Group – Growing Slack community (6000+ members) of helpful investors, advisors, and other startup guys.

17. Product Manager HQ – It is the largest product community of more than 2000 product managers. You don’t have to be a product manager to join this Slack group. Just join, chat, and learn from other product developers how to evolve your startup idea to a real-world usable product.

18. #freelance – In this Slack community you can connect with freelancers all around the globe. The group has more than 1300+ independent business owners sharing their experiences and helping others to be more successful.

19. 10XFactory – Connect with 700+ founders in this Slack community to get game-changing pieces of advice to generate more revenues for your startup.

20. Equity Directory – An invite-only Slack community of startup enthusiasts and entrepreneurs exchanging work for equity.


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That’s all for today’s readers, we hope that this list of top 20 Slack communities for entrepreneurs will end up your quest of finding the right Slack groups to connect with other startup owners and learn from their experiences. Meanwhile, do not forget to share this list with your friends and peers, so that, they can also join these top 20 Slack communities for entrepreneurs and make the most out of them.

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