Python Slack

Boston Python has a Slack workspace for online discussions.

Python SlackPython Slack

Use this form to get an invitation. As always, we expect all members to abide by our code of conduct.

  • Slack Developer Kit for Python will let you get started building Python apps as quickly as possible. The current version, 2.0, is built for Python 3.6 and higher – if you need to target Python 2.x, you might consider using v1 of the SDK.
  • Sometimes those things need to communicate with us and let us know some results. Our solution is to have the programs (Python in this case) send us a message in the appropriate Slack channel. Slack provides Incoming Webhooks and they have a pretty nifty Incoming Webhooks documentation guide.

Python Send Slack Message

Once you’re in, there are a number of channels, depending on what you are looking for: Mitsubishi printers driver download for windows.


Python Slackbot

Python slacker

How to share code snippets in Slack. Click the shortcut lightning icon and select Create a code or text snippet. Paste your code snippet in the form and select the programming language from the drop-down menu. You can optionally give it a title and add a message explaining the snippet to others in the channel.

  • #general: Questions/ideas/links of general interest to the community. When in doubt, post here.
  • #events: Announcements/discussion of events that might be interesting to the group.
  • #jobs: For job postings. They must meet our requirements.
  • #for-hire: Where you can announce your availability for work.
  • #organizing: Discussion about how Boston Python works, and making it work better.
  • #beginners: For folks learning Python, or people who want to help them learn Python.
  • Specific areas of interest, such as #web, #data, #science, etc.

If you need administrative or moderation help, send a direct message to @bhrutledge and/or @nedbat.

Python Slack

To learn how to use Slack, refer to their Help Center guides, such as: